We usually (not always) have a "Hearts and Minds" meeting on the last Sunday of the month. This is typically a day or a weekend of exploring the land, sometimes working bees, brainstorming ideas, advancing our planning, answering questions and whatever else comes up and wants to happen. You can attend these meetings either in person or by skype (skype prt of the meeting is usually on Sunday afternoons). We welcome new input and these meetings are informal and often a lot of fun.
We also have monthly board meetings and actively interested
people which have attended several "Hearts and Minds" meetings may
be allowed to attend. These are our formal meetings and usually
deal with a lot of business, so there is no time for lots of
questions and talking, but focused input is welcome.
This is a very big project and there is only a small handful
of members so far, so we appreciate any help we can get.
This can be in person at a working bee or with particular projects
(or start your own!), or it can be internet research or PR or
whatever else you can think of which might help to advance the
You can simply tell your friends about us by emailing them our website URL: www.kanjini.org
Additionally you can print off some of our Hand-Outs and take them to any events you go to with people who might be interest and hand them out there or have them at a stall.
And you can also print off some of our Display Flyers and hang them on your local notice boards.
If you know anyone who might be interested to buy one of our remaining subdivision lots, you can earn a 1% commission on the sale price (less gst). All you need to do is email us the person's full name as well as get them to contact us, or get them to let us know that you referred them to us. This will be payable within 14 days of settlement day.
Or if you know someone who would want to become a member of Kanjini Co-Op, again simply email us the person's full name as well as get them to contact us, or get them to let us know that you referred them to us. Once they have been accepted as a member,
and have paid their share capital, you will receive 1% of their paid-up
share capital within 14 days of them having been accepted and paid
their share capital.
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