
Kanjini Co-Op aims to create a sustainable lifestyle producing quality food for our own consumption and for exchange with the local area as a source of income. We will use many earthcare modalities such as Permaculture, Organics, Aquaponics, Biological Farming and Biodynamic Principles.  
Kanjini’s aim is also to rehabilitate any areas of eroded and denuded land as well as custodianship of our food production area.

Agriculture will be engaged in for our own consumption as well as commercially. We will use permaculture, organic and biodynamic methods adapted to local conditions with a focus on seasonal and local foods, while aiming for long-term sustainability for future generations.

We envisage that we will grow a large variety of fruit trees and vegetables (with a preference to using non-hybrid and non GM seeds); spices; herbs for healing and cooking; flowers for scent, aesthetics, oils, and for attracting birds and butterflies; trees for timber, shade and bee food; bush tucker; mushrooms and fungi; bamboo (no running varieties); and industrial hemp.

We anticipate selling our surplus commercially including farmers’ markets and food networks.  We will be looking to value add by drying, preserving, distilling, brewing and otherwise processing our produce.

Aquaculture will be practiced both in our large dams as well as in smaller integrated systems incorporating algae, worms and vegetables.

We are committed to forestry both for long-term timber production as well as for carbon sequestration.

Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry may include poultry, livestock, aquaculture and bee keeping.  All non-native animals will be strictly controlled and/or fenced.



No resources in the defined area are consumed faster than their natural replenishment, and the enclosed system can continue indefinitely without degradation of its ecosystem or internal resource base, without degradation of the standard of living of the people within it, and without contributing to the non-sustainability of ecosystems outside.  

Sustainability is meeting the needs of all humans, being able to do so for generations to come while ensuring some degree of openness and flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.                                    

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." 

Permaculture, Biodynamics, Biological Farming and Aquaponics

Permaculture design combines plants, animals, buildings and people into integrated, productive and sustainable communities.

Biodynamics uses accepted organic practices, but also incorporates the theory of planetary influences on plant life.

Moon planting, specially prepared Biodynamic sprays and compost additives are part of this system.

Biological Farming is based on soil health which is enhanced by active soil microbesthus feeding the soil, which enhances soil life and increases long-term fertility.

Aquaponics is the science of growing plants utilizing fertilizer-enriched wastewater from fishponds.      

Organic Principles

Healthy soil will grow healthy plants, which feed healthy animals and people. Kanjini practice organic gardening principles.

Compost, manures, seaweed, mulches, worm cast, biogas solids and green manure crops build up the humus content in the soil and provide a natural source of food for plants. Initially natural fertilizers such as blood and bone and unprocessed rock minerals also add to the fertility.

Recycling plant and animal wastes

Kanjini will practice recycling of all plant, animal and human waste by composting, mulching, worm farming and biogas production.

Non-Chemical control of Pests & Diseases
Kanjini do not use any chemicals to control pests and disease. Biodynamic farming practices, companion planting, crop rotation and homeopathic and natural applications such as garlic, pyrethrum, chilli sprays are used. We encourage beneficial insects and birds by diverse yet specific plantings.

Non-chemical control of weeds

Weeds have many benefits - it is better to grow weeds than leave soil bare. Weeds will stabilize disturbed soil and prevent erosion; they also protect the soil from extreme heat and cold. Deep-rooted weeds break up hardpans and bring up minerals from below, conserving nutrients that would otherwise be lost. Many common weeds provide food and shelter for useful insects.

Some weed control methods used are minimum cultivation, animal tractoring (livestock), ground covers and mulching.


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