For the full moon solstice we shared in a beautiful didgeridoo meditation by the lake at Kanjini. Thank you to for organising this event and helping us be part of the healing sound of this ancient instrument played all around the world, with people around the world starting at sunset to send a wave of sound around the earth. It was beautiful to share the space with the group and watch the sun setting as we started and the full moon rising just as we were finishing up. We even had the pleasure of looking at the moon through the telescope after sharing a yummy meal together. We will look forward to the next Worldwide Didj Meditation.
We planted some new trees in the fruit orchard and some coconuts and native trees closer to the creek. Thank you to Shiralee for her generous donation of the trees and some extra bee boxes. Its great the orchard is all full up all the new holes have been filled giving us over 50 fruit trees.
We have been working on the fire management for the land, and clearing fire breaks. With all the burning we have had some rather smokey days out on the land too. It is so great to work so closely with Parks & wildlife to support the work they are doing as well getting some help from them on our fire management as well.
We have had some new equipment out on the land. Smiley and Rhody have been using the portable Lucas saw mill to cut wood for some building projects, wow what a mechan I had never seen one in action before it is amazing to watch and to see the beauty of the wood revealed with each slice. And extra bonus we now have more sawdust for the composting toilets.
Camp sites are coming along nicely with all but one toilet set up at the sites, and we are half way through creating all the signs needed. One of the members has been learning how to create a website for the camping and things are coming along now we are just gathering the content for the site and should have some new stuff for you all to see soon. Insurance is coming along to just working our way through all the paperwork and requirements for that. We are really hoping to still open in the next month but there is still a lot of work needed until we can take booking.
It has also been great having one of our members from overseas Shanto and her partner Krishnadas staying with us over the past two months, it has felt more like a community around here as of late spending time together, sharing meals, and working on the land as a team. We also had the pleasure of making some new friends from another community down south that stayed with us for a couple of weeks, showing us even more of the benefits of sharing daily life with like minded people. It just so happened that they were bee keepers and were able to help some of the members with our hives, and helping build up thier confidence of working with the bees. This was also the first time we got honey out of the bees since they have been back on the Kanjini land. What an experience getting the honey and enjoying the fresh honeycomb. Yummy Honey!!!