
The Climate of the Atherton Tablelands

One of the healthiest climates in the world

Climate for Walkamin
Many people, especially down south, seem to believe that all of FNQ is very hot and humid. While this is certainly true for many locations along the coast, the Atherton Tablelands have a very different and much milder climate. At elevations of 400 to 1000 meters, it is noticably cooler than at the coast, especially at nights.
The Cairns/ Atherton Tablelands area possibly has the most varied climate anywhere in the world. Some places receive over 5000mm of rain every year, others only 100km away are happy to receive 500mm. Some locations experience frosts every year, others only 75km away hardly ever experience below 10°C.
Our property happens to be in a narrow band of what has apparently been described by National Geographic in the 70's ast one of the three healthiest climates in the world. This dry tropical climate has many advantages: less extremes than most cities down south which means no super-hot days over 40°C nor super-cold nights below 3°C, low humidity means less moulds, less fungies affecting fruit trees and veggies, less rust, better for the body, cool nights means better sleep and 300 days of sunshine means more smiles :-).

The centre of Kanjini Co-Op's 6600 acre "Adler Hill" property is about 12-15km away form three weatherstations in the area, Mareeba QWRC, Mareeba Airport and Walkamin Research Station. Of those three the Walkamin location probably has the most similar climate as it is a bit closer to the mountains. Since our property is actually going right up to the top of the mountains, we probably get slightly more rain than Walkamin.

The first four graphs below are direct comparisons for mean maximum & minimum temperatures, rainfall and humidity between Walkamin and Cairns. As you can see, we enjoy cooler days and especially cooler nights than the Cairns coastal fringe with an average minimum temperature of 20°C or less, guaranteeing a good sleep and much lower humidity.

The bottom six graphs compare the long-term climate records of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Grafton and Walkamin (near our Kanjini peoprty). Below each graph is the highest and lowest day & night temperatures, the mean annual rainfalla dn the mena annual humidity at 9am and 3pm. It might surprise you but when compared with those locations which are at least 2000km south, While Walkamin has slightly higher mean temperatures, it has less extereme day and night temperatures than all the other locations, a medium amount of rain and only Adelaide and one of the lowest humidities! Our climate is best described as being very similar to Brisbane's climate, but with less extremes.

A very healthy climate indeed!

Walkamin - Cairns maximum temperature
Mean Maximum Temperatures are cooler than on the coast

min temperatures
Mean Minimum Temperatures are significantly cooler than on the coast

Rainfall Walkamin vs Cairns
Rainfall is about half (~1100mm) that on the coast in Cairns (2155mm)
Humidity Mareeba vs Cairns
Humidity is a lot less than on the coast, 68/54% vs 74/67% (9am/3pm)

Cliamte in Melbourne
Day: 5-46°C min/max (14-26°C mean); Night: -3-30.5°C min/max (7-15°C mean)
Mean Annual Rain: 650mm; Mean Humidity: 71/55% (9am/3pm)

Climate in Adelaide
Day: 9-44°C min/max (14-28°C mena); Night: 3-35°C min/max (8-17°C mean);
Mean Annual Rain: 481mm; Mean Humidity: 62/47% (9am/3pm)

Climate in Walkamin
Day: 15-40°C min/max (23-30.5°C mean); Night: 3-25.5°C max/min (13-20°C mean);
Mean Annual Rain: 1030mm; Mean Humidity: 68/54% (9am/3pm)

Climate in Sydney
Day: 8-46°C max/min (16-26°C); Night: 3-27.5°C max/min (8-19°C mean);
Mean Annual Rain: 1211mm; Mean Humidity: 69/56% (9am/3pm)

Climate in Brisbane
Day: 11-43°C max/min (20-30°C mean); Night: 2.5-28°C min/max (10-21°C mean);
Mean Annual Rain: 1021mm; Mean Humidity: 63/52% (9am/3pm)

Climate in Grafton
Day: 13.5-45°C max/min (20-30°C mean); Night: -2-28°C max/min (7-20°C mean)
Mean Annual Rain: 996mm; Mean Humidity: 76/53% (9am/3pm)

For further information, to have any questions answered and/or to arrange a property inspection, please call 07-40937755 or 0499620260.

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